Gosha Karpowicz

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Born 1966
Lives and works in NYC, New York
“My paintings explore human, emotional, always multi-layered experience. They are an invitation to pause. In a world where stillness is rare, they rely on the moments of quietude, contemplating the interactions of color fields and the relationships of spaces in between them.” Gosha Karpowicz grew up in the countryside of Communist Poland and defected to live and paint where freedom of expression thrived.She graduated Parsons School of Design. She’s exhibited at the Hopper House in Nyack, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Poland and lives and works in New York City.
“My paintings explore human, emotional, always multi-layered experience. They are an invitation to pause. In a world where stillness is rare, they rely on the moments of quietude, contemplating the interactions of color fields and the relationships of spaces in between them.” Gosha Karpowicz grew up in the countryside of Communist Poland and defected to live and paint where freedom of expression thrived. She graduated Parsons School of Design. She’s exhibited at the Hopper House in Nyack, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Poland and lives and works in New York City.

Gosha's Work

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or $108 x 12 months
$1,299 or $108 x 12 months
8 x 10" •  oil on wood panel
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or $108 x 12 months
$1,299 or $108 x 12 months
8 x 10" •  oil on wood panel
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or $109 x 12 months
$1,312 or $109 x 12 months
10 x 10" •  oil on wood panel
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or $131 x 12 months
$1,575 or $131 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on wood panel
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or $394 x 12 months
$4,724 or $394 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  oil on canvas
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or $131 x 12 months
$1,575 or $131 x 12 months
24 x 18" •  powdered pigment and oil on canvas
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or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
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or $159 x 12 months
$1,903 or $159 x 12 months
16 x 16" •  oil on wood panel
or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $39 x 12 months
$472 or $39 x 12 months
6 x 6" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $188 x 12 months
$2,250 or $188 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $109 x 12 months
$1,312 or $109 x 12 months
18 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $97 x 12 months
$1,165 or $97 x 12 months
8 x 8" •  powdered pigment and oil on wood panel
or $113 x 12 months
$1,350 or $113 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $188 x 12 months
$2,250 or $188 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $159 x 12 months
$1,903 or $159 x 12 months
16 x 16" •  oil on wood panel
or $394 x 12 months
$4,724 or $394 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  oil on canvas
or $375 x 12 months
$4,500 or $375 x 12 months
24 x 30" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $394 x 12 months
$4,724 or $394 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  oil on canvas
or $188 x 12 months
$2,250 or $188 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $98 x 12 months
$1,181 or $98 x 12 months
8 x 8" •  oil on wood panel
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $375 x 12 months
$4,500 or $375 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $458 x 12 months
$5,500 or $458 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on cotton canvas
or $39 x 12 months
$472 or $39 x 12 months
6 x 6" •  oil on canvas
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $131 x 12 months
$1,575 or $131 x 12 months
20 x 16" •  powdered pigment and oil on wood panel
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
34 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $39 x 12 months
$472 or $39 x 12 months
6 x 6" •  oil on wood panel
or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $39 x 12 months
$472 or $39 x 12 months
6 x 6" •  oil on canvas
or $394 x 12 months
$4,724 or $394 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  oil on canvas
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $109 x 12 months
$1,312 or $109 x 12 months
10 x 10" •  oil on wood panel
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $97 x 12 months
$1,165 or $97 x 12 months
8 x 8" •  powdered pigment and oil on wood panel
or $208 x 12 months
$2,500 or $208 x 12 months
18 x 24" •  powdered pigment and oil on canvas
or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $39 x 12 months
$472 or $39 x 12 months
6 x 6" •  oil on canvas
or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $131 x 12 months
$1,575 or $131 x 12 months
24 x 18" •  powdered pigment and oil on canvas
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $188 x 12 months
$2,250 or $188 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $197 x 12 months
$2,362 or $197 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $109 x 12 months
$1,312 or $109 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  oil on wood panel
or $60 x 12 months
$722 or $60 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  oil on canvas
or $375 x 12 months
$4,500 or $375 x 12 months
24 x 30" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $208 x 12 months
$2,500 or $208 x 12 months
30 x 40" •  oil paint on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $394 x 12 months
$4,724 or $394 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  oil on canvas
or $188 x 12 months
$2,250 or $188 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $208 x 12 months
$2,500 or $208 x 12 months
30 x 40" •  oil paint on canvas
or $60 x 12 months
$722 or $60 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $98 x 12 months
$1,181 or $98 x 12 months
8 x 8" •  oil on wood panel
or $131 x 12 months
$1,575 or $131 x 12 months
24 x 18" •  powdered pigment and oil on canvas
or $108 x 12 months
$1,299 or $108 x 12 months
8 x 8" •  oil on wood panel
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
34 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $159 x 12 months
$1,903 or $159 x 12 months
18 x 18" •  oil on canvas
or $101 x 12 months
$1,215 or $101 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $55 x 12 months
$656 or $55 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on wood panel
or $109 x 12 months
$1,312 or $109 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  oil on wood panel
or $109 x 12 months
$1,312 or $109 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  oil on wood panel
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $188 x 12 months
$2,250 or $188 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $109 x 12 months
$1,312 or $109 x 12 months
16 x 12" •  oil on wood panel
or $113 x 12 months
$1,350 or $113 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $375 x 12 months
$4,500 or $375 x 12 months
36 x 48" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  powdered pigment and oil on linen

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