Sharilyn Neidhardt draws on her training as a photojournalist and as a paintmaker to create images of urban living, nature, celebrity, and human conflict. She grew up in southern California but moved to Brooklyn more than two decades ago. Ms Neidhardt maintains a studio at Brooklyn Fireproof, plays a mean game of chess, and speaks only a little German.
"Art makes a space for me.In my studio, I am creative and worthless, I am powerful and I am pathetic, I am a still point in a turning world even as I am a swirl of emotion and ideas. Crouched and ready, with a paintbrush clutched in my fist smeared with oily mud, I wait for the touch of the divine. People can lie to me and this pale world can disappoint but images always tell the truth. The truth always wins."Read more...
Sharilyn Neidhardt draws on her training as a photojournalist and as a paintmaker to create images of urban living, nature, celebrity, and human conflict. She grew up in southern California but moved to Brooklyn more than two decades ago. Ms Neidhardt maintains a studio at Brooklyn Fireproof, plays a mean game of chess, and speaks only a little German.
"Art makes a space for me. In my studio, I am creative and worthless, I am powerful and I am pathetic, I am a still point in a turning world even as I am a swirl of emotion and ideas. Crouched and ready, with a paintbrush clutched in my fist smeared with oily mud, I wait for the touch of the divine. People can lie to me and this pale world can disappoint but images always tell the truth. The truth always wins."